Prayers for those affected by Covid 19

Anglican Prayer for those affected by Covid 19

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy.
Sustain and support the anxious,
be with those who care for the sick,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may find comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In the time of Quiet

In the time of quiet
No one’s told the daffodils about the pause to Spring
And no one’s told the birds to roost and asked them not to sing
No one’s asked the lazy bee to cease his bumbling round
And no one’s stopped the bright green shoots emerging through the ground
No one’s told the sap to rest, deep within the wood
And stop the sleepy trees from waking, wreathed about in bud
No one’s told the sky to douse its brightest shades of blue
And stop the scudding clouds from puffing headlong into view
No one’s asked the lambs to still the springs beneath their feet,
To stop their rapid rush and quell each joyful bleat
No one’s told the stream to halt its gurgle or its flow
And warned the playful breezes, not to gust and blow
No one’s asked the raindrops not to fall upon the earth
And fail to quench the soil in the season of rebirth
No one’s locked the sun down, or dimmed the shimmer of the moon
And even in the darkest night, the stars are still immune
Remember what you value, remember who is dear
Close the doors to danger and keep your family near
In the quiet all around us take the time to sit and stare
And wonder at the glory unfurling everywhere
Look towards the future, after the ordeal
And keep faith in Mother Nature’s power and will to heal.

Phillipa Atkin.

Key Information & Resources


  1. As of 23rd March 2020, all church buildings have been closed by order of the government until further notice.
  2. We have received an instrument under the Churchwardens Measure 2001, rule 78 that extends the powers of Church Wardens and allows for delay of the APCM until 31st October 2020.
  3. Those needing practical, pastoral or prayer support in the Benefice should contact Rev Caroline in the first instance on 01422 363623. She will then put you in touch with your local link person to get you the support that you need.
  4. Where members of the Benefice Church Families have access to the internet, updated information of what is happening in the Benefice will be posted on both church websites. Our Facebook Pages are St Hilda’s Church, Halifax and St John’s Church, Warley Instagram accounts are stjohnschurchwarley and sthildashalifax. If you do not have internet of a smart phone, perhaps a relative has access to social media, they could keep track of updates and keep you informed?
  5. If you have access to a smart phone and would like to receive regular updates and prayer encouragement, you could download WhatsApp and email me your mobile phone number so that I can  add you to a private Benefice group.
  6. If all of the above don’t work for you, then please give me a good traditional phone call at the Vicarage (01422 363623) and, having your number, I will call to catch up from time to time during this time of physical distancing.




Television and Radio

Sunday 8.10am – Radio 4 Sunday Service

Daily Thought for the Day – 8.45am Radio 4

Sunday 1.15pm – BBC 1 – Songs of Praise

Those who have Freeview television may find the various “God” channels worth exploring. Some have quite strong personalities but there is inspiring material to find there if you take the time to look.


Online Resuurces

Daily reflections and prayers

Common Worship Daily Prayer

Northumbrian Community (Celtic) Daily Prayer

Sacred Space

A contemplative daily prayer resource in the Ignatian tradition.

Streamed Worship

There are streamed services with contemporary worship music at 9am, 11am and 6pm on Sundays at present.

Covid-19 News


The church is re-opening! The first service will be at 9.30am, Sunday September 6th, alternating every week with St John’s.

Opening times Autumn 2020


The PCCs at both St John’s and St Hilda’s have agreed an interim arrangement whereby there will be a live service in the Benefice each Sunday alternating between St Hilda’s and St John’s at 9.30am. This will start on Sunday 6th September at St Hilda’s (where the service will be held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays offering communion). St John’s will then host the 2nd and 4th Sundays (communion on the 2nd Sunday and a Service of the Word on the 4th Sunday).


This arrangement for service frequency and times will be reviewed by the PCCs in the autumn. It is hoped that, as lockdown reduces further, we will be able to offer further opportunities for prayer and/or worship mid-week.

I have managed to catch most of you by phone to get a sense of demand and find that the majority are still cautious about physically attending church. With that in mind, Zoom Worship will move to 11.00am each Sunday as of 6th September to continue to facilitate worship for those not ready to return to church. The recorded services will continue to go live at 7am each Sunday on the social media platforms to participate in at your convenience.

Whilst our Sunday services begin on 6th September at St Hilda’s, we will be having a modest Receiving of the Rushes Service outside St John’s, Warley on Saturday 5th September at 10.30am. Numbers for this will be limited and by invitation: so, if you are interested in attending, please let me know and I will book you in. St John’s church will remain open for half an hour after this for anyone who would like time there for private prayer to come and enjoy the church.

I would like to thank the members of both PCCs for their incredibly hard work over the last 4 months as we have reflected upon each stage and planned. Our extraordinary situation has caused far more to reflect upon than anyone could have imagined. I am so grateful for their support and encouragement.

Let us, in this season, reflect upon the wells that we drink from and how we are sustaining ourselves with the living water. What do we call those wells and do we need to rename them in these uncertain times? Let us thank God for his goodness and guidance and know his blessing and peace. Amen.

What will it be like returning to a church service in our buildings?

Our PCCs have thought long and hard about how we can comply with current legislation and guidelines whilst making this a meaningful experience of worship each Sunday.

Capacity St Hilda’s will be able to welcome the full quota of 30 worshippers.

St. John’s will be able to welcome 26 individual worshippers rising to 30 if members of the same household sit together.

Arrival The church doors will be opened 15 minutes before the service begins. A steward will guide you through a one way movement of people.

You will be invited to use hand sanitiser, asked if you have symptoms of Covid 19 and whether you (or people you have been in contact with) have been abroad in the last 2 weeks.

You will be asked for your name and phone number. This will be written down for trace and track and kept in the safe for 3 weeks after the service attended (when the list will be shredded in line with our GDPR policy.

Face masks EVERYONE is required to wear a face mask for the duration of their time in church, unless they have medical grounds not to do so, or are under the age of 11. In that instance, particular care should be taken by you, personally, socially distancing from others for your mutual protection.
Toilets Ideally, the toilets should not be used. However, if you should need to use the facilities in an emergency, provision is available at each church if you let a steward know, and they will ask you to disinfect everything that you have touched with the materials provided afterwards.
Collection The collection plate / bag will not be passed around, but will be available for you to add your offering to, as you arrive for worship. We will give thanks to God for these gifts during the service.
Books, Literature & Childrens’ Areas All books, pamphlets and toys need to be stored away, or covered, to prevent cross-contamination. As a result, there will be no facilities for children to play, and members of the same household are asked to remain seated together and bring any toy / book etc from home.
Seating On arrival, you will find that the church layout will be ready for people to be able to be seated in confidence of maintaining social distance.

On each seat there will be a laminated card. If it is green, then you know that nobody has sat there before. If it is red, with “Do Not Use”, then it is not available on this occasion. When you leave your seat, please turn the card to the red side.

Liturgy Words for the service will either be on a wipeable laminated sheet, or paper. Please take any paper sheet away with you.

Sometimes the service will be displayed on a screen at St John’s.

People are encouraged to say their responses to prayers softly.

Music and Singing There will be no singing allowed in church for the time being, but instrumental playing of hymns and recordings of music may be used.
The Service The service should be expected to last around 30 minutes. During this time there will be no sharing of the peace and everyone is asked not to hug others as we work to protect each other and ourselves.
Communion Communion will only be offered in one kind. Wine will not be available.

The person leading a communion service will wear PPE for our mutual protection.

Communion will be distributed at the end of the service whilst soft music is played to allow time for personal prayer and reflection before receiving the bread as we depart.

Refreshments There will be no refreshments and no public access to the kitchen, vestry or areas cordoned off for the time being.
Prayer Areas We will not be able to use the prayer corner (St John’s) or prayer candle stand (St Hilda’s). Instead we will offer a focal point for prayer with a candle lit, so that a quiet moment of prayer can be had. Please give space to people using those opportunities.
On Departure At the end of the  service, people are asked to hold conversations outside, rather than inside the building. The cleaning team will then undertake a Covid clean of all surfaces.

Because of underlying health conditions, in normal circumstances, I would not choose to be in church. In order to enable me to offer this to you, I would ask everyone to appreciate the risk that I am taking to do this each week and give myself and Aidan the full social distancing that we require to stay safe.

Many thanks.



Plans for church re-opening

We are currently preparing with a view to being open for worship early in August. Please watch this space for details of when as well as the time of those services during this unusual period.

In the meantime, our live 10:00am Sunday Service continues each week on Zoom at:

Sunday Worship 10am

Alternatively, there is a recorded service available from 7:00am on our Facebook page which is also available on YouTube at:

Benefice Youtube service

Our weekly John & Hilda’s Chatroom on Zoom has now moved to Wednesday mornings for an hour at 11:00am. Everyone is most welcome to meet up and make new friends in a relaxed environment. The link for this is:

John & Hilda’s Chatroom – Wednesday 11am


Here is the flyer for our Seekers’ Course that runs on 6 consecutive weeks beginning on either Tuesday 21st July at 7:00pm or Wednesday 22nd July at 2:00pm.

Start Course Flyer

Further details and place bookings are available on Eventbrite at:

“Start” Course


After getting feedback from several people about the agape a couple weeks ago, it was felt that we should try having this as part of our worship every other week. I propose that we start this cycle on Sunday.

As before, we understand this as a spiritual communion rather than Holy Communion as we know it and experience in a church service.

If you would like to participate in this, I suggest having a bit of bread/ cracker/ biscuit and water to hand. On this occasion (God and technology willing) I will play a piece of music during the time when we eat and drink in remembrance together. If you don’t wish to participate in this part, I hope that you will still be blessed by the prayers and music.

On the subject of worship and other activity online, we are going to be having a discussion (as a benefice) about how we proceed with worship, pastoral care and mission during the restrictions that the pandemic has caused. Whilst we pray that we will be moving towards being able to access our church buildings within two or three months, it is likely to be much longer before we can have larger worship gatherings. We will wait with baited breath for Boris Johnson‘s announcements on Sunday evening that  will start to give us some clues.

Bishop Nick is  in regular contact with the Clergy flagging up the sort of things that we need to be considering at this time as well as touching base for our pastoral care.

On Wednesday, 20th May 2020, St John’s PCC will be having a business meeting at 7 pm which we aim to have completed by 7:45 pm. Everyone from across the benefice who has an interest in engaging with worship, mission and ministry online during the pandemic is invited to be part of the meeting that continues at 7:45 pm onwards. THIS INVITATION IS OPEN TO THE WHOLE BENEFICE. It is important that in our online presence we work in collaboration as this will be the most efficient use of our time and talents and presents a really important message about collaboration and church family extending beyond walls to the wider community.

The link to this meeting is:

St John’s PCC meeting 20 May 2020

I hope that as many as possible will be able to join us for the second part of the meeting and look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

A few people, after the recent software update, have advised that they are being asked for a password as well as the meeting link.

With that in mind, the full details for each regular Zoom service or social time are below.

Topic: Sunday Worship
Time: 10.00am to 11.30am (including social time)

Join Zoom Meeting
Sunday Worship 10am

Topic: John & Hilda’s Tuesday Chat Room (Benefice – weekly)
Time: 10.00am – 11.00am
John & Hilda’s Chatroom – Tuesday 10am

Topic: John & Hilda’s Thursday Chat Room (Benefice – weekly)
Time: 10.00am to 11.00am
John & Hilda’s Chatroom – Thursday 10am


This is a poem used in our zoom service last Sunday. It apparently was written in 1869 for the then pandemic of typhoid:

And people stayed at home
And read books
And listened
And they rested
And did exercises
And made art and played
And learnt new ways of being
And stopped and listened
More deeply
Someone meditated, someone prayed
Someone met their shadow
And people began to think differently
And people healed
And in the absence of people who
Lived in ignorant ways
Dangerous, meaningless and heartless,
The earth also began to heal
And when the danger ended and
People found themselves
They grieved for the dead
And made new choices
And dreamed of new visions
And created new ways of living
And completely healed the earth
Just as they were healed.

It is supposed to have been written by Kathleen O’Mara in 1869 for the then pandemic of typhus then reprinted for the Spanish influenza for 1920, the outbreak of which killed more people than the entire losses of the First World War!


Hello everyone

Thank you for your patience and perseverance in taking part in our Zoom worship times. We are steadily improving access with each attempt. Last Sunday, we had 4 people join us through social media who remained anonymous to the group. I could, as host, see them there including a gentleman in hospital. It is humbling to know that our efforts are meeting a need.

I’m hoping that Sunday’s service went smoothly for everyone. If there were any problems from our end about what we were doing, then please let me know and we will try to iron them out before next Sunday.

Sadly, those accessing by phone seem to be having variable success. I’m sorry about the disappointment of that. I’m afraid there is little that I can do in real time at this end to mitigate against that as it will partly be influenced by the signal received. This is all a very imprecise science and we are all on a steep learning curve.

This Sunday I will have a go a recording the service and I can then post a link to each week’s service on the website and Facebook pages. That will allow for those wishing to access worship but unable to meet at 10am to remain connected.

The following links will now remain the same until further notice:

Sunday Worship 10am

Zoom sessions to meet for coffee and chat (bring your own coffee!)

John & Hilda’s Chatroom – Tuesday 10am

John & Hilda’s Chatroom – Thursday 10am





Please check back here for any new activities 

Benefice Palm Sunday Service 10.00am

Checking in ready for worship can be from 9.45am. Worship will last approximately half an hour then those who wish to can chat over a coffee afterwards.

Link:  St Hilda’s Palm Sunday Service

Holy Week at Home (shared with permission by Rev’d Sally Prendergast)

Good Friday Meditation (live on Zoom)

Easter Sunday Service (live on Zoom)

Sunday Worship (live on Zoom every Sunday starting 19th April 2020 until the church can re-open)


Here are the links for the Zoom Worship:

Drop in (to test smooth joining of the meeting) – Thursday 2nd April 7pm – 8pm

Set up a free Zoom account at log yourself into it then, at 7pm, click the link below:

St Hilda’s Zoom Test

If you have any technical problems, please phone the Vicarage (01422 363623) and we will try to talk you through it.

Benefice Palm Sunday Service 10.00am

Checking in ready for worship can be from 9.45am. Worship will last approximately half an hour then those who wish to can chat over a coffee afterwards.

Link:  St Hilda’s Palm Sunday Service

I will also send out an email to all those I have addresses for. If this goes well, we could set up a musician and singers rehearsal using Zoom ready for the Easter Sunday Service.

It could be fun….or technically challenging….we will see 😊

God bless




  1. As of 23rd March 2020, all church buildings have been closed by order of the government until further notice.
  2. We have received an instrument under the Churchwardens Measure 2001, rule 78 that extends the powers of Church Wardens and allows for delay of the APCM until 31st October 2020.
  3. Those needing practical, pastoral or prayer support in the Benefice should contact Rev Caroline in the first instance on 01422 363623. She will then put you in touch with your local link person to get you the support that you need.
  4. Where members of the Benefice Church Families have access to the internet, updated information of what is happening in the Benefice will be posted on both church websites. Our Facebook Pages are St Hilda’s Church, Halifax and St John’s Church, Warley Instagram accounts are stjohnschurchwarley and sthildashalifax. If you do not have internet of a smart phone, perhaps a relative has access to social media, they could keep track of updates and keep you informed?
  5. If you have access to a smart phone and would like to receive regular updates and prayer encouragement, you could download WhatsApp and email me your mobile phone number so that I can  add you to a private Benefice group.
  6. If all of the above don’t work for you, then please give me a good traditional phone call at the Vicarage (01422 363623) and, having your number, I will call to catch up from time to time during this time of physical distancing.


Television and Radio

Sunday 8.10am – Radio 4 Sunday Service

Daily Thought for the Day – 8.45am Radio 4

Sunday 1.15pm – BBC 1 – Songs of Praise

Those who have Freeview television may find the various “God” channels worth exploring. Some have quite strong personalities but there is inspiring material to find there if you take the time to look.

Online Resources

Daily reflections and prayers

Common Worship Daily Prayer

Northumbrian Community (Celtic) Daily Prayer

Sacred Space

A contemplative daily prayer resource in the Ignatian tradition.

Streamed Worship

There are streamed services with contemporary worship music at 9am, 11am and 6pm on Sundays at present.


Closed for Coronavirus


St John’s have taken the lead on this as there are more volunteers up there as we are working as a Benefice on this. If you would like to volunteer offering phone support, or would like practical or phone support yourselves, please contact Caroline at the Vicarage number.

Covid-19 Community Support


Emergency opening times

Coronavirus guidance from the Church of England

In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. You can read the Church of England’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for churches here. You can find a live stream service or event to watch from home here.


Hello everyone

I have received the Ad Clerum from Bishop Nick. This clarifies what can be permitted at this stage until a full lockdown occurs.

In the light of this, I propose the following until that time comes:

It is clear that Sunday gathered worship is not permitted. Opening the church for short stretches for private or daily prayer has now been agreed as acceptable for the time being.

As I understand the letter, prayer needs to continue in church.

Opening times for prayer will be as follows during the week STARTING THIS SUNDAY 22 March 2020.


St Hilda’s – Mondays and Wednesdays both at 10am.
Sunday 9.45am – 10.45am

St John’s – Tuesdays and Thursdays both at 10am.
Sunday 11.00am – 12.00am

These later times will give more opportunity for people to come, if they wish.

On each occasion, the church will remain open for one hour for people to call in to pray.


I suspect that we will only be able to continue this for a week before full lockdown occurs.

PLEASE ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO BE PART OF THE “THY KINGDOM COME” day of prayer on Sunday by lighting a candle and placing it in their window at home at praying at 7pm for our community, the country and the world.

Further updates will follow.

Many thanks

Christmas Services

Nativity Scene


Sunday 1st December 2019 @ 10.00am
A family service to start the advent season

Sunday 22nd December 2019 @ 9.30am

Wednesday 25th December 2019 @ 9.30am

Sunday 29th December 2019 @ 10.00am

Children’s Church

Over the past few weeks we have had  more children in church. It’s lovely to hear them as the draw and colour and then show what they’ve done. But it does mean that every week either Barbara R. or Hilary have to spend time with them.

If anyone would like to help every now and again, please have a word with them.

Children are our future, we must make them VERY welcome.

Development Group meeting August 13th 2018

St Hilda’s Church

Notes of a Development Group meeting August 13th  2018

Present:  Barbara Foster, Margaret Chapman,Prue Meehan, David Mann, Barbara Robinson, Margaret Robinson, Rev Caroline Greenwood

Toilets.  Problem seems solved. David suggested we get a set of drain rods because of high cost of recent drain clearing.

Lighting  bid submitted fro £3000,  grant of £1500 notified (14/8/18).  Rev Robin Gamble had volunteered to find funding to repair/replace Rood Screen light.  Two quotes to be obtained.

Flooring the restoration of the parquet had been completed and was agreed to be an improvement.  Care of the surface was discussed.  The need to impress on Pre-School and Gathering the need for protection from sand, water and playdoh activities and  care with furniture moving and any spillage.  The radiator covers had been removed and shown to be very dirty! The company needed to return the keys provided.  It was agreed to ask for samples of floor protection and costs.

Tables David advised the use of vaseline on the hinges to improve ease of use.  It was agreed to offer the low,old, heavy tables to the congregation, e.g for garden use, before disposal.

 Guttering Members had a report, with photos, of the repairs needed.  A quote via the Maintenance Booker website had been received amounting to £16,151 +VAT.  It was hoped that another company would quote via the website.

There was discussion of the need for fundraising. Rev Caroline offered to explore grant options, which was very much welcomed.  It was stressed that most grant-givers asked for 3 quotes.  Barbara R to send Caroline recent information on funding possibilities and to contact Maintenance Booker about any further interest.

Church cleaning PCC had requested that the group discuss cleaning because it was agreed that the work fell on a few people whose health was not always good.  The main work of caring for the church interior involved regularly moving heavy chairs to dust.  The kitchen, entrance and toilet areas and recycling also involve time and effort.  The dedication of the current volunteers was recognised.  There was discussion about the frequency and thoroughness needed.

It was agreed to ask the PCC to consider (i) forming a specific cleaning team of at least 4 and preferably 6, people who would clean the church interior together once a month (ii) arrange for as many volunteers as possible to do deep cleaning before Easter and before St Hilda’s Tide (Nov.)  If this were not be possible PCC should consider using Agency staff to carry out the regular cleaning.

Kitchen At the previous meeting members had suggested that the freezer should be removed and replaced with a second fridge, for church use, leaving the present one to deal with the amount of milk which the Pre-School had to take.  It was agreed that PCC should be asked to agree to the suggestion.

Prue Meehan had tidied all the cupboards and drawers to try to make specific cupboard space for Pre-School items to avoid the current clutter.  The Gathering should be asked to either remove or store their items upstairs as previously arranged.

Group workload

It was recognised that group members all had other responsibilities for the church and personal responsibilities.  It was agreed that the work should be shared whenever possible.

Items for PCC

1 Purchase of a set of drain rods

2 Disposal of old unwanted tables

3 To agree and prioritise plans for fundraising for lighting and guttering

4 To discuss and agree church cleaning arrangements

5 To discuss and agree replacement of freezer with 2nd fridge

Development Group meeting July 4th 2018

St Hilda’s Church

Notes of a Development Group meeting July 4th 2018

Present:  Prue Meehan, Margaret Robinson, Margaret Chapman, Barbara Robinson

Apologies:  David Mann, Barbara Foster

1 Toilets – The smaller toilet was still leaking despite various attempts to solve the problem.  Margaret R agreed to contact Slattery’s.  (NB The leak was dealt with by David before Slattery’s came)

2 Lights – A bid for £3,000 from the Community Foundation for Calderdale’s 6C Environment Fund had been submitted.

3 Guttering – there were problems with the Maintenance booker website which meant a full report was not yet available.  The work had been completed so a request for the 50% grant had been made.

4 Flooring – the work was booked for w/c August 6th.  The aftercare needed to be clarified.

5 Tables – had arrived but not yet unpacked.

6 Maintenance plan – it was suggested that a comprehensive maintenance plan should be made to deal with various aspect of the church building.  Various examples were proposed.  There was discussion about church cleaning and the need to review the H&S policy.

7 It was agreed that  the next main work was to complete the guttering work by looking for funding.

8 There was clarification of the rent increases agreed at PCC.  Barbara R was asked to set them out in letter to the 3 groups – Pre-School, £5.50 to £6.00/hour

                                   HLOJ – £350 to £370/annum

                                   Elsa Upholstery £300 to £315/month

9 Liaison with Pre-School and the Gathering – Margaret C reported on various issues.  There were plans to sort out the kitchen cupboards during the holidays to try to provide more storage space.  The passage outside the kitchen was cluttered.  The use of the fridge and freezer was discussed.  It was agreed to propose to PCC that the freezer was removed and a new fridge, for church use only, should be bought to try to solve the milk storage for Pre-School.  The possibility of storage under the “book table” in the south entrance was raised.

(NB Margaret C and Barbara F met with Caroline following her arrival to discuss the other user groups.)