PCC Minutes 6 October 2019

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of the Parochial Church Council, of Sunday Oct 6th 2019


 Present: – Hilary Jamieson Vice Chairman (Churchwarden), Margaret Chapman, Barbara Foster, David Mann, Prue Meehan (Treasurer), Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden),

1 Apologies: Rev Caroline Greenwood (Chairman), Joyce Mawer, Daniel Russell, Brian Wood. .

2 The purpose of the meeting: to discuss and decide upon a request from the manager of the Pre-School to extend the hours to include Wednesday afternoons or to to have an after-school group on 4 afternoons per week excl Wed pm. .

3 Discussion: David Mann read out an e mail from Rev Greenwood setting out the position and requesting a PCC vote because Mehreen needed an answer by the end of Sunday Oct 7th. (copy attached)

There was discussion of the various aspects of the proposal: the church benefited from the regular rent, and potential increase, received.  It was noted that there could be an opportunity for the Pre-School to move to purpose-built premises.

The Wednesday pm “Coffee and Chat” session could be held in the Vestry with prior planning.  The “Place of Welcome” was not currently active and may need more thought because of space/activities.

It was recognised that Mehreen was flexible about access to the toilets if there was an activity in church during the week and that PCC was tolerant of the Pre-school in the building.  It was agreed to ask for flexibility on a Wed pm for a particular activity, with due notice, and the right for the PCC to review any new arrangement after an academic year.

There was concern that if the group was using the Whitby Room Mon. – Fri. throughout the school year there was little scope for any regular or occasional church activity.  It was felt that if the Pre-School were to move to purpose-built premises this would be better for the business, the children and staff and allow for some church development.

4 Conclusion The proposition that the PCC should approve the request to increase the Pre-School hours extension to include Wednesday afternoons, subject to the conditions suggestions by Rev Greenwood was proposed by Hilary Jamieson, seconded by Margaret Robinson and carried by 5 votes in favour, one abstention and one vote against.

David Mann agreed to inform Rev Greenwood of the outcome of the meeting.

Margaret Robinson reported on her work re the Scout Hut.  She had obtained one quote for repairs to the roof and outer wall of the property.  She had been unable to secure any others due to no replies from several other contractors.  Margaret had recently approached a builder carrying out work in the area.  He had assessed the work and had offered to complete the job in the next few days at a cost of £220.  She asked for members’ advice.  It appeared he would want a cash payment.  She was strongly advised not to make any payment until the work had been finished and appeared to be satisfactory.  It was agreed that Margaret Robinson should contact the builder and ask him to carry out the work in the near future.

The meeting closed at 11.35am