MacMillan Page



This year our Macmillan Coffee Morning was held in the morning, for a change, but not on the Friday, we had ours on the Saturday.

Although the attendance wasn’t as big as it sometimes has been (most people had been to one or two the previous day) we had a really good time. There was much tea, coffee and cake to eat and also to buy. Big thanks to everyone who contributed by baking. The Tombola was well supported though many people didn’t get quite what they hoped for. However at the end of the morning they had the chance to buy anything that was left.

As always I have to thank everyone who came along to support Macmillan and all those who helped to set up, serve and clear up afterwards.

We made over £165 on the day and every penny will be used to support people in the Calderdale and Kirklees area on their journey through cancer treatment. So Thank You so much.

Brian & Margaret