PCC Minutes 2 July 2019

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of The Parochial Church Council, held on July 2nd 2019

 Present: -, Rev Caroline Greenwood Chairman, Margaret Chapman, Aidan Greenwood (Church Army Evangelist), Hilary Jamieson (Churchwarden), David Mann, Joyce Mawer, Prue Meehan (Treasurer), Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden) Daniel Russell, Rev Martin Russell, Brian Wood.

In attendance; David Lodge, Observer, St John The Evangelist, Warley

The meeting opened with prayer

PCC welcomed Aidan Greenwood as an ex officio member, since his recent commissioning

1  Apologies: Barbara Foster

2  Declaration of members’ interests  none made

3  Minutes

Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on May 7th 2019 proposed by Margaret Robinson, seconded by Joyce Mawer, supported unanimously.

 4 Matters arising

The water consumption of Gathering West baptisms (see Development Report item)

Jesus-Shaped People – two additional house groups would be started, one at the Vicarage and second at Revs Russell.  A joint Parish weekend was being organised by St John’s for March 13th/15th 2020. at a Retreat in Ilkley.

Response to Rev Russell’s “Our Prayer” initiative – the programme had just started but was welcomed.

North Door handle – David Mann was thanked for his work in replacing the old handle.

It was noted that Angela Ashton had offered to be Benefice Youth

officer.  PCC welcomed her offer.

Health and Safety – It was agreed that risk assessments should be carried out before the next PCC meting (Rev Greenwood and David Mann)

5 St John’s Items

David Lodge was welcomed as St John’s PCC Observer.  Their church was looking forward to the “Jesus-Shaped People” programme.  There was to be a Flower Arranging event on September 14th. Details to follow.

6 Vicar’s Report –   

Rev Greenwood reported on a recent Dementia-Friendly training event.  She proposed that St Hilda’s should provide a Dementia Friendly service.  This led to discussion of a service for carers and people with learning difficulties.  There had also been the suggestion of hosting a Sunday afternoon for older people, organised by

group who arranged visits to various churches during the year. There was general agreement with all three ideas but with the proviso that prior planning and recruitment of volunteers outside the St Hilda congregation would be needed.

GDPR report Charities Commission statement on Safeguarding – it was proposed that the relevant people in regard to Safeguarding – Churchwardens, named contacts should have their picture and name displayed for public information.  Proposed David Mann, seconded Joyce Mawer, carried unanimously.

7 Treasurer’s Report

Prue Meehan reported that the current financial position remained precarious, although she hoped that it would be possible to pay the Parish Share again this year.

8 Churchwardens’ Report.

Notes of a Development Group from June 20th had been circulated. (Copy in Minutes File) There was further discussion of the Scout Hut, in particular the blocked toilet.

The recent examination had shown a collapsed drain was causing the problem. Ownership of the land containing the drain was not clear.  The back wall and parts of the roof needed repair as a safety issue; a possible repair cost of £7k-£8k had been given by a diocesan Property Manager.  It was agreed that Rev Greenwood would clarify ownership of the  land to the rear of the Hut and of the Hut site and also check who would receive any proceeds if the Scout Hut land were sold.

Uniformed organisations  after discussion, it was agreed that Rev Greenwood and Prue Meehan to meet with uniformed groups to agree costs/payments/rent ASAP.

Hilary Jamieson proposed that she write to the Scout leaders to acknowledge and thank them for all their work.  This was agreed.

Organ members agreed that the “final” offer of £1500 compensation from BLS Asbestos was unacceptable.  Members agreed with the course of action proposed by the D.G.  i.e. that:

i Rev Owen should be asked to write a letter setting out what was said when the original work was done.

ii  Prue Meehan should contact Ecclesiastical Insurance to ask for their advice and check whether any legal costs could be claimed if necessary.

iii David Mann’s suggestion of an experienced welder being asked to estimate the cost of long term repair if necessary, should be followed up.

Gathering West costs after discussion it was agreed that Rev Greenwood should talk with Gathering leaders about their access to any grants which could be used to pay towards the cost of the group’s use of the church building.

Heritage plans for Heritage events in September were clarified. Rev Russell was in discussion with The Mosque about a community meal.  It would be a bring and share lunch.  The uniformed groups were keen to take part and there was a book illustrating the history and development of Scouting at St Hilda’s, which would be useful.  The possibility of basing a multicultural event on weddings and marriage events in future was accepted.

Daniel Russell suggested that encouraging people with musical talents to come to church to contribute to the worship music might bring new congregation members.  More music stands would be needed.

It was reported that notification of the annual lightning conductor inspection had been received.  PCC had previously agreed that no action was required and this was confirmed.

Pre-School noticeboard it was agreed that the Pre-School should be able to provide  an information board on the left outside wall of the church porch, on condition that it could be removed easily when the group was not in session.

Rev Greenwood reported that a grant of £500 for guttering repairs was likely to be made by the Spooner Trust.  A second organisation was considering a grant, to be decided in August.

9 Deanery Synod Report – David Mann reported briefly on useful discussion about plans to reorganise the deaneries covering Calderdale.

10 Calendar of church  activities – Margaret Chapman  reminded people of the forthcoming tea dance. Other events were listed in the magazine.

11 Mara – Barbara Robinson reported on the success of the recent coffee morning, thanking people for their support and also thanked Caroline and Aidan Greenwood for their generous donation from their Lent event.

12 Churches Together Aileen Atkinson had submitted a written report about the plans for the West View Park Fun Day.  It was suggested that a flyer about the Heritage event in September could be distributed if time for its preparation was available..

13 Any other business  Brian Wood asked for a suitable date for his open garden afternoon.  Thursday July 18th was agreed.

Rev Greenwood invited PCC members to the Vicarage for lunch on Saturday September 28th September

 Date and time of next meeting Tuesday September 3rd 7pm

It was noted that the suggestion of monthly shorter meeting had been suggested. To be discussed at next meeting.

 The meeting close with prayer at 9.25pm