PCC Minutes 25 March 2018

 St Hilda’s Church, Halifax

Minutes of a meeting of The Parochial Church Council, held on Sunday March 25th 2018

Present: Margaret Chapman, Barbara Foster, David Mann,, Prue Meehan (Treasurer), Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden), Brian Wood. Rev Martin Russell

In the absence of Hilary Jamieson, Rev Martin Russell was invited to take the chair. 

1   Apologies: Hilary Jamieson, Joyce Mawer, Daniel Russell, John White,
2   Declaration of members’ interests – No declarations made

3   Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on January 14th 2018 were adopted as a
correct record

4   Matters arising
First Aider – It was noted that Daniel Russell had the necessary training and had
Roles within the church – after further discussion it was agreed that key people
should be given a pro-forma to complete, listing their roles and responsibilities.
Leafleting parish – David Mann and Rev Russell were to meet to plan wording and
distribution of leaflets

5   St John’s Items – John White had provided information on forthcoming activities
to Margaret Chapman for the magazine. Margaret Chapman had attended the last
St John’s PCC meeting. There was continuing dissatisfaction with the Bishop’s
decision about the Incumbent’s attendance at all Sunday services. It was noted
that St John’s were making detailed plans for their Remembrance Day service. It
was suggested that PCC should discuss the St Hilda’s service at the next meeting.

6   Churchwardens’ Report
Vacancy – It was noted that there had been a response to the advertisement. The
interview date was April 23rd.

APCM – PCC nominations Brian Wood and Margaret Chapman were willing to stand for
re-election, Daniel Russell and Jenny Scholefield would stand as new candidates,
Margaret Robinson was retiring as Churchwarden and would stand for PCC membership.
David Mann was asked to stand for Churchwarden and agreed to consider the proposal.
He expressed the wish to stand down as a Deanery Synod representative if elected as
Churchwarden. Margaret Robinson was willing to be a replacement if required.
Development Group Notes of a group meeting held on March 11th 2018 were received and are attached to the Minutes in the Minutes file. The group had made several
recommendations which were discussed.

Flooring – The meeting accepted the quote for renovation of the existing parquet
from Priory Woodflooring at £1,275+VAT. Proposed by Brian Wood, seconded by
Barbara Foster. It was suggested that the regular users of the Whitby Room should be
asked to make a contribution towards the costs.

Guttering-  Barbara Robinson explained the contact with the National Churches Trust’s
guttering maintenance programme. Margaret Robinson reported that she had obtained
quotes from two local companies of £3,000 and £8000 as a comparison. It was stressed
that at least two members should be involved in any discussion with any contractors and
that estimates should be presented to PCC before any work was agreed. The
understanding of the necessary work should be set out and clarified with the successful
contractor prior to the work being carried out.

Margaret Robinson reported that the Whitby Room would be used as the Polling
station for local Council election on May 3rd. Mehreen was aware of the date.

7   Treasurer’s Report
Prue Meehan reported on the the annual accounts prior to the APCM. The 2018/19 Parish
Share would be £17,761. There was a surplus on income at present and £2500 had been
designated for the Prayer Fund. Members thanked Mrs Meehan for all her work. Adoption of the Annual Accounts was proposed by Margaret Chapman, seconded by Barbara Foster and carried unanimously.

8   Clergy Items
Rev Martin Russell reported on the recent Churches Together Lent course. Members who
had attended agreed that it had been useful and enjoyable. Rev Russell suggested a joint
Advent course. Aileen Atkinson was to be asked to suggest it at their next meeting and to
give more information about the meetings.

It was noted that a visit to the local Mosque had gone well but that the return visit to St Hilda’s had been cancelled due to snow. Rev Russell was trying to  re-arrange.it.

Items of pastoral care were discussed.

Rev Russell encouraged members to get involved in the forthcoming diocesan conference
on Lay Leadership on June 9th. David Mann and Barbara Foster expressed interest; Daniel and Meena Russell’s names were suggested.

9   Deanery Synod Report
David Mann reported from Deanery Synod. The main topic had been Green Energy
with the Diocesan Environment Officer, Jemima Parker

10   Calendar of church activities
Margaret Chapman outlined forthcoming events, details in the magazine.

11   Mara – no report

12   Any other business There was no other business.

13   DTNM Tuesday, May 8th 2018 7.30pm