PCC Minutes 16 November 2017

Joint Benefice of St John the Evangelist, Warley and St Hilda, Halifax

Notes of a joint meeting of the Parochial Church Councils, in accordance with Section 12 of the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986, held on Thursday, November 16th 2017 at St John’s Church, Warley.

Present: Rt Rev. Jonathan Gibbs, Area Bishop, Huddersfield; Ven. Dr Anne Dawtry, Archdeacon of Halifax; Rev. Kathia Shoesmith, Area Dean, Halifax; Churchwardens, Secretary, Treasurer, and members of each PCC.

1 Apologies for Absence: Canon Hilary Barber, Patron of St John the Evangelist, Warley

2 Opening Prayers Bishop Jonathan opened the meeting with prayer

3 Election of Chairperson
Hilary Jamieson, Vice Chairman, St Hilda’s PCC, was appointed as Lay Chairman.
4 Purpose of the meeting
Archdeacon Anne explained that the purpose of the meeting was to continue the statutory
process of appointing a new incumbent to the benefice by reviewing and discussing the
documentation submitted by both parishes.

5 Bishop’s Statement
Bishop Jonathan began by expressing sadness and regret that it was necessary to have to
make a new appointment to the benefice after such a short time. He spoke about the
difficulty of recruiting priests, particularly in the North of England. There was a lengthy
and wide- ranging debate about the requirement for the Incumbent to be present at all
Sunday services in churches both parishes. All three senior clergy spoke of their positive
experience of this routine and their experience of it’s feasibility. Members of both PCCs
described the negative effects that both parishes had felt as a consequence of new
service times and spoke strongly against the requirement. It was stated that the
decision about the times of services rested solely with the Incumbent. There was no
resolution of the problem despite advice that the issue needed to be clarified before
candidates were interviewed and an appointment made.

6 Discussion around Parish Brochure and Profiles
The Archdeacon requested that the parishes agree a common statement on the qualities and priorities they both sought of an incumbent, as the two booklets had slightly differing requirements. A common statement was needed to use to compile job and person specifications. Archdeacon Anne pointed out factual inaccuracies in each of the profiles; Bishop Jonathan asked St Hilda’s PCC to review their areas of Mission, which currently focused on the local Muslim population.

7 Next Steps and Timescale
Archdeacon Anne set out the timetable for advertising and selection, which would begin
in the new year.