PCC Minutes 3 March 2020

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of the Parochial Church Council, held on Tuesday March 3rd 2020.

Present: -, Rev Caroline Greenwood (Chairman), Margaret Chapman, Barbara Foster, Aidan Greenwood (Benefice Church Army Evangelist), Hilary Jamieson (Churchwarden), David Mann, Joyce Mawer, Prue Meehan (Treasurer), Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden), Daniel Russell.

In attendance:  Rev Madeleine Russell, Rev Martin Russell

1  Apologies

Brian Wood, David Lodge (St John’s)

2  Declaration of members’ interests none

3  Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on .January 8th. were adopted, proposed by Prue Meehan, seconded Margaret Chapman

4 Matters arising

Church tidiness – This had originally been requested by Margaret Chapman but it was noted that it was now included as an item in the Maintenance Plan the help of the congregation would be sought.

Sacristan duties  It was noted that there had been a meeting of Servers to discuss some division of Sacristan duties following Barbara Foster’s illness. Satisfactory arrangements had been agreed.  The Council recorded their thanks to Barbara Foster for her all work and hoped that the changes would support her.

4 St John’s Items a report was postponed to the next meeting

5 Clergy Items these were covered in Part 1 of meeting

6 Treasurer’s report

Prue Meehan presented the annual accounts for approval prior to the APCM in April. Members congratulated her on the payment of the Parish Share.  Adoption of the accounts proposed Margaret Robinson, seconded Margaret Chapman. Agreed unanimously.

7 Safeguarding update

Rev Greenwood outlined the different levels of Safeguarding training required for the congregation and all PCC members.  Angela Ashton had taken on the role of Safeguarding Officer for the Benefice. Thanks were given to John Harrison for his work on ensuring compliance for the Church website. Dates for training for both churches were given.

8 Churchwarden Report

Notes of a special PCC meeting on Feb 9th were received.  The cost of repair of the lightning conductor to enable compliance had been discussed.  There appeared be 2 separate costs, one an hourly charge for labour which increased the total cost considerably. Margaret Robinson was asked to investigate comparative quotes from other companies.

The radiators were to be serviced by Slattery’s on April 8th.

It was noted that Archdeacon’s visit to the Benefice had been held on February 27th

The Scout Hut heater had been serviced, a CO monitor, smoke alarm and a chimney guard had been fitted by a qualified gas engineer.  A Landlord’s Safety Certificate, cost £145, had been issued.

It was noted that Stone Technical Services would start the guttering repairs on March 10th.  Arrangements for enabling the work were agreed.

9 Annual Parochial Church Meeting April 26th

Deanery Synod nominations were required.  It was suggested that the 2 positions, and PCC membership vacancies  should be advertised to the congregation.

Mara, Churches Together, Social activities  – these items were postponed to the  next meeting.

10 Any other business

 11 DTNM

It had been suggested in Part 1 that there could be monthly PCC meetings, alternating business with mission planning.  May 11th Business 7pm  June 8th Mission 7pm

The meeting closed with prayer.