PCC Minutes 18 September 2018

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of The Parochial Church Council, held on Tuesday September 4th 2018

Present: – Rev Caroline Greenwood (Chairman), Barbara Foster, Hilary Jamieson, (Churchwarden), Joyce Mawer, Prue Meehan (Treasurer), Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson, Daniel Russell, Brian Wood.

In attendance:  Rev Martin Russell

Opening prayers Rev Greenwood opened the meeting with prayer

 1  Apologies David Mann, Margaret Chapman, John White (St John’s)

2  Declaration of members’ interests – none

3  Minutes – The minutes of the the meeting held on .July 3rd were accepted as a true record, subject to a correction to Item 8 “Report from Lay conference June 9th”, to read “    had attended”  instead of   “had attempted”.  Proposed Barbara Foster, seconded Prue Meehan, adopted.  There was brief discussion about the timing of the distribution of draft minutes.  It was agreed that they should be circulated to members shortly after the meetings.

4  Matters arising

Safeguarding and Health and Safety policies –it was reported that the Safeguarding policies had been reviewed and accepted by PCC members.  Adoption proposed Margaret Robinson seconded Brian Wood.  Rev Greenwood signed the policies for 2018.  The H&S policy had not yet been renewed.  Hilary Jamieson was asked whether her son-in-law might review the policy, last updated in 2014.  She agreed to ask for his assistance.

Rent increases –Prue Meehan drew attention to the payment she had just received on behalf of HLOS J for their annual rent from September 1st.  It appeared that the request for an increase from £350 to £370 had not been communicated within the organisation as the cheque was for £350 for 2018/19.  Mrs Meehan proposed that £350 should be accepted for this year.  The proposal was accepted.

5  Clergy Items

Rev Greenwood thanked PCC members and the congregation for their welcome to her and to her family.  She reported a conversation about the Mothers’ Union in both churches and noted a joint meeting the branches on Sept 10th, convened by Susan Bradberry, to discuss future arrangements.  Rev Greenwood had met with Rev Robin  Gamble, to discuss plans for Mission.

She had offered to lead on applications for grants for the guttering repairs (see item 9) and had identified several potential sources.

There had been discussion with leaders of Gathering West about the future of the Saturday meeting at St Hilda’s  There had been an offer of help with writing funding bids because of their experience and success.  Rev Greenwood encouraged greater interest and publicity for the Gathering West’s work.

There was brief discussion about hymns for Sunday services with a request for more inclusion of organ accompaniment.  Rev Greenwood agreed to note the views expressed.  The Harvest service was scheduled for September 23rd.

6  St John’s Items –a report was postponed to the next meeting.

7 Treasurer’s Report

Prue Meehan reported she expected the church to be able to pay the Parish Share by December;  the Prayer Fund stood at £550 with a “float” of £2000 – £3000.  The annual Gift Day would be in November at St Hilda’s-Tide .

 8 Churchwardens’ Report

David Mann had submitted a report about a quote for guttering repairs in relation to the Development Group report. John Harrison was requesting new radio microphone.  He felt that the radio mike was unreliable and it was the only functioning one.  The cost of a replacement would be £250 – £300.  After considerable discussion about problems with and solutions for the congregation hearing different types of voice, it was agreed that a new microphone should be purchased.

Discussion about the Development Group’s August 13th meeting followed.

 9  Development Group

Purchase of a set of drain rods – recommendation to purchase a suitable set of rods was agreed.  David Mann was asked to make the purchase

Disposal of old unwanted tables – there were 4/5 old tables remaining.  It was suggested that they be offered free to anyone wanting to collect with any remaining to be disposed of to the tip.

Replacement of freezer with 2nd fridge – this recommendation was agreed.  There was concern about the amount of excess milk accrued by the Pre School group

Church cleaning arrangements  after discussion it was agreed that every effort should be made to form a team of 4 -6 people who would work together to maintain monthly routine cleaning of the church; the bi-annual thorough cleaning should be continued – before Easter and before St Hilda’s-Tide in November.  There was brief mention of the alternative of Agency cleaning which was not considered further.  Prue Meehan would appeal to the congregation for help at the next Sunday service.

Plans and priorities for fundraising for lighting and guttering.  It was noted that a grant for £1500 had been obtained from The Community Foundation for Calderdale from the 6C Environment Fund.  This money might be at risk if the work could not be carried out before the end of the year.  Rev Greenwood offered to ask the Gathering  if they could submit a grant.  The total cost of LED replacement would be approx £4000.

Members’ chief concern was with the cost of guttering repairs.  Two quotes of £16,000 and £12,000 had been received to date.  A third quote was needed and was expected shortly.  It was recognised that the church needed to find a proportion of the costs and there was lengthy discussion about how this could be achieved.  It was agreed that the annual Gift Day should be held on Sunday October 28th with a campaign and preparatory presentation (Sunday Oct 21st) focussing on the guttering problems and costs, so that people were aware of the seriousness and urgency of the Appeal.  Brian Wood volunteered to lead the work. The need to use the church website and magazine was stressed.

Future of Development group – it was agreed that the group should only meet if there was a specific piece of work requested by PCC

 10 Deanery Synod Report – next meeting Nov 14th

11 Calendar of church activities

Margaret Chapman had supplied a list of forthcoming events

September-  Saturday 22nd – Street Clean

October – Thurs. Fri. 18th, 19th visit by Parkinson Lane School children (tbc);  (18th pm Mara speaker);  Thursday 25th Quiz night planned

November – 18th Breakaway Brass & St H Choir as part of Remembrance events

Church meal – Copper Cow (Burnley Road Friendly) altered from Nov 25th to Dec 2nd

12 Mara Speaker from Mara about Mugumu Safe House Thursday October 18th 7pm

 13 Any other business

Daniel Russell spoke about one of the Workshops he had attended during the June Lay Conference.  It was concerning Interfaith work in Bradford, especially with young people, and had been interesting and challenging.

 14 DTNM

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held in November, to continue the alternate months arrangement.  Date confirmed as November 6th.  It was suggested and agreed that the congregation should be able to contribute items for a PCC meeting once the main subjects had been set out.  Barbara Robinson to meet with Rev Greenwood for agenda setting.

Future dates were not discussed.

The meeting closed with prayer at 9.25pm