PCC Minutes 11 August 2020

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of the Parochial Church Council, held on August 11th 2020 via a telephone conference call link


Present: -, Rev Caroline Greenwood (Chairman), Barbara Foster, Aidan Greenwood (Benefice Church Army Evangelist), Hilary Jamieson (Churchwarden), David Mann, , Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden),

In attendance: Angela Ashton (Benefice Safeguarding Officer).

Rev Greenwood opened the meeting with prayer.

1  Apologies: Margaret Chapman, Joyce Mawer, Prue Meehan (Treasurer) Daniel Russell, Rev Martin Russell Brian Wood.

2  Declaration of members’ interests – none

3  Minutes – Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on July 22nd 2020, previously circulated, was proposed by Barbara Foster, seconded by Margaret Robinson and agreed unanimously.

Organ repairs

The meting was asked to endorse the draft letter to be sent by the Insurer’s solicitor (previously circulated).  The letter was prepared following the June PCC meeting.  There had been a delay in it being brought to PCC due to a (church) oversight.  Acceptance of the contents of the DAS LAW letter was proposed by Hilary Jamieson, seconded by Margaret Robinson and agreed unanimously.

 Re-opening of church building

There was wide-ranging discussion of the C of E Risk Assessment document, Lone Working Policy and Risk Assessment for Shared Use of Buildings  Rev Greenwood explained that these documents were required for legal and insurance purposes and need PCC endorsement to the re-opening of the church.

Rev Greenwood also reported that a funeral at St Hilda’s had been requested and would be held towards the end of August (subject to Crematorium arrangements under COVID 19 rules)  This meant the the building would need cleaning and preparing.  Signage for entrance and exit routes (using the South Porch doors), distancing and seating were agreed.  Current seat coverings were acceptable; cleaning arrangements and equipment had been agreed with the Pre-School group.  Only the “Disabled” toilet would be in use those attending services.

Disposable single use individual service sheets would be available in church.   A supply of disposable face masks would be kept, to offer where needed.  It was agreed that there needed to be 2 welcomers for a service and one person to ensure seating

arrangements.  Hilary Jamieson, Margaret Robinson and David Mann agreed to do this for the first service on Sunday Sept 6th.  Rev Greenwoood would open the church at 9am and the welcomers would be in place from 9.15am.  As the number of people attending the service was not known it was agreed that Hilary Jamieson and Margaret Robinson would read the Lessons.  Prayers were not allocated

It was proposed to offer Communion at the end of a service.  It was suggested that appropriate music could be used during the administration.

Adoption of the Risk Assessment for opening Church Buildings to the Public was proposed (subject to minor amendments) was proposed by Hilary Jamieson, seconded by David Mann and agreed unanimously.

The Shared Use of Buildings risk assessment had been prepared with Mrs Mehreen Rizwan, the Pre-School Manager.  It covered cleaning arrangements for the Whitby Room and toilets.  Mrs Rizwan had asked if they might use a steam cleaner for the carpeted area.  There was some concern about potential damp with the process. Rev greenwood offered to clarify the position with Mrs Rizwan. There was already guidance on cleaning the parquet flooring, re-laid in 2019.  It was noted that locks on the toilet doors, as previously proposed, would not be necessary.

There was  concern about responsibilities of other groups to ensure coordination or protective measures.  It was noted that St John’s PCC had decided not to accept bookings from outside groups under the current circumstances.

Adoption of the Risk Assessment for Shared Use of Buildings was proposed by David Mann, seconded by Hilary Jamieson and agreed unanimously.

The Lone Working policy stressed the need for prior notification by someone proposing to work in church and possession of a mobile phone.  It was suggested that there should be contact details for a keyholder on the outside of the building in case of emergency.  Rev Greenwood agreed to consider this further.

Adoption of Lone Working Policy was proposed by Barbara Foster, seconded by Aidan Greenwood and  agreed unanimously.

 Churchwardens’ Report

Arising from previous minutes – Locks on toilet doors – revised procedures for joint working had made these unnecessary.  There had been no action on having a gate  /sandbags for boiler room steps.  Margaret Robinson requested the contact details of the plumber who had previously serviced the Whitby Room boiler – David Mann to provide it.

Treasurer’s Report

Mrs Meehan had no report to make.

AOB  Rev Greenwood asked for volunteers to help clean the church before the planned funeral.

The meeting closed at 3pm