PCC Minutes 22 July 2020

St Hilda’s Church

Minutes of a meeting of the Parochial Church Council, held on Wednesday July 22nd 2020 via a telephone conference call.

 Present: -, Rev Caroline Greenwood (Chairman),, Barbara Foster, Aidan Greenwood (Benefice Church Army Evangelist), Hilary Jamieson (Churchwarden),Joyce Mawer, , Barbara Robinson (Secretary), Margaret Robinson (Churchwarden),,  Rev Martin Russell,

 The meeting opened with prayer

 1  Apologies  Margaret Chapman,  David Mann, Prue Meehan (Treasurer),  Daniel Russell, Brian Wood.

2  Declaration of members’ interests None

3  Minutes – Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on .June 2nd 2020 was proposed by Hilary Jamieson. Seconded by Margaret Robinson and agreed unanimously

 4 Arrangements for Church services

Members had previously received a discussion paper from Rev Caroline and results of telephone survey on arrangements for re-opening the church building

Rev Greenwood reported that the bishop of Leeds felt that the coronavirus was likely to return in autumn/winter with possibly more closures.  Guidance on sharing the bulding with other groups was awaited; it would be applicable to our link with the Pre-School.

There was wide-ranging discussion of the types of service that could be possible.  Rev Greenwood felt that the Zoom services needed to continue because they were well supported and reached people who were not regular church attenders.  Members also supported a weekday service/activity.  It was noted that David Mann was willing to lead that.  Martin Russell could also be involved.  No definite plans were made from this suggestion.  (Wednesday and Friday not suitable for Rev Caroline)

It was finally agreed that there should be a church-based Sunday service for both churches, at 9.30am on alternate weeks beginning at St Hilda’s on Sunday Sept 6th.  The zoom services would continue weekly at 11am.  This arrangement was proposed by Hilary Jamieson, seconded by Margaret Robinson and accepted unanimously.

It was appreciated that Rev Greenwood could not attend both churches and hold the Zoom service every Sunday morning.

There was discussion of the necessary precautions needed for re-opening.  Separate entrance and exit routes were recommended.  As steps were involved from both the north door and the office, it was suggested that the other door of the south porch should be opened if possible, with a barrier through the entrance.  The kitchen could not be used; there could be no close social contact before or after the service; there could be no singing or processing and Communion would only be of one kind.  There were questions about use of the toilets.  It was agreed that a local joiner should be asked to put locks on each of the outer doors so that access could be limited to separate groups of users of the building.

Rev Caroline had had to study a great deal of guidance on preparation e.g. regarding cleaning, PPE etc.  Members were concerned that she was obviously very stressed and expressed the need for her to take leave as soon as possible.

5 Churchwardens’ Report

Lightning conductor – no action

Drains – David Mann had recommended that a gate be put at the top of the steps to the boiler room, with sand bags at the base of the gate to stop the water flowing down the steps as the drain there sited up regularly.  This suggestion was adopted.

6 Treasurer’s Report

Financial statement  Prue Meehan had reported that £7000 had been paid towards the Parish Share.  David Mann had submitted the comment that he believed very strongly that we should let people know the need for financial support and our obligation to pay the full Parish Share.

There would not be a collection as such during a service. A collection plate would be available.  People would be asked to contribute by cheque payment rather than cash.  Barbara Foster emphasised the need to record contributions and keep envelopes to be able to reclaim Gift Aid.  The current balance was £5,775 at the bank.

Notes of a meeting on June 22nd, to discuss the organ problems, were received.

There was no further business.

The meeting closed at 3pm.